Saturday, May 30, 2009


(No, my photo doesn't reflect TODAY'S weather in Ohio ... but it does look cold, doesn't it?)

You mean ... it’s Saturday? ALREADY?

It seems like only last night that I was racing the clock, trying to pull together another installment of S&G ... racing against my self-imposed deadline of having it online for those early risers who look forward to it on Saturday morning.

Oh, but it wasn’t last night ... it was a week ago last night that all this feverish activity was taking place.

Last night ... and I assure you that I didn’t simply forget (though I’ve had plenty of practice at forgetting all kinds of things) ... nor did I simply decide to delay ... stall, if you will ... but I did seem to be running out of time (there’s another long story involved there), so I decided to give myself an evening off.

What a luxury! Normally I try to keep busy ... to keep my alleged mind occupied ... but last night, late last night, I just loafed ... and it felt good.

I see that Professor Squigglee is giving me one of those looks ... but what’s done is done. I hope you ... and he ... understand ... and forgive.

Mind you, I’m not even promising that it won’t happen again. But I do hope I’ll be given another chance ... and another ... and ...


PEARL OF WISDOM (noted by LOREE, Kansas) written on the chalkboard at the senior center: "Worry is nothing more than an overactive imagination."


TODAY’S QUOTE: "I’ve noticed that drivers ... as regards the posted, LEGAL speed limits ... appear to be divided into two groups: (1) The Speeders, (2) The Heeders. I’m not sure, though, that the second category should be listed as plural." - Professor Squigglee


THOUGHT FOR TODAY: "If you leave me ... can I come, too?" - (courtesy of HELEN, Florida)


"WOKE UP THIS MORNING ... " began a recent note from LOREE (Kansas) ... "to very cool temperatures, and a light, misty sort of wetness ... hard to call it a real rain, as it was very puny at best!

"And it didn’t take long for me to change from a sleeveless top and shorts (my summer uniform) into a shirt, sweatshirt over that, and blue jeans. Even then I was too cool to be comfortable. The temperature got headed in the WRONG direction and just kept going.

"Since it is May, I am chalking it up to ‘Blackberry Winter’ for sure!"

(And now, Loree ... that weather has moved East ... MY fingers and my nose are cold ... as I sit here flailing away at the keyboard ... and I’m wondering where I hid those flannel shirts from myself)


SPEAKING OF COLD WEATHER ... this from RUTH (Florida/Ohio): "If you’re going to try cross-country skiing ... start with a small country."


"BLESSED ARE THOSE who can give without remembering ... and take without forgetting." - courtesy of TIL (Illinois)


RECENT SOS from HELEN (Florida) who’d had computer problems ... and, in the process, had lost her links to S&G and ... oh, no! ... "Chosen Words," too. Needless to say, I immediately tossed her the best electronic lifeline I could lay my hands on.


TODAY’S POEM ... I’ve said it before ... and I’ll say it again: I can’t rhyme worth a dime.

It’s true. Oh, I can sometimes put a couple of lines together, maybe, but then I get so bogged down in the mechanics of it that I can’t tell the story I started out to relate.

So, I stick mainly to what I CAN do ... and that’s what’s called free verse. It has a certain rhythm to it, a certain amount of rhyme, though not always where expected (end rhyme, for example), and I do ... sometimes ... manage to tell a story, or get a point across.

(Oh, how I envy those who have the gift for creating structured, rhyming poetry which tells their story for them!)

And now, Exhibit A in the case for "can’t rhyme worth a dime":


When I wrote my first poem,
It was really quite a chore,
But I just had to show 'em
I could do one, maybe more.

Now poems spill off the end
Of my desk, across the floor.
If this continues, my friend,
They'll be sliding door-to-door.

(originally published in PKA's Advocate)

COMMENT? Feel free ... below, if you like.

Or if you prefer e-mail, that's fine, too ... especially for more detailed observations, to and it helps if you put "Squiggles" or "S&G" ... something like that ... in the subject line (just remember, no religion or politics ... please!)


UNTIL NEXT TIME ... take care ... see ya!

© 2009

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