Saturday, August 1, 2009

How to Reach 80

TODAY’S QUOTE: "Why is it that good intentions are so like a crooked arrow? No matter how well aimed, they somehow manage to miss the mark ... so often." - Professor Squigglee


IT’S NOT OFTEN that Professor Squigglee and I agree on something ... though I hasten to add that we seldom argue with each other ... and we NEVER resort to fisticuffs. But this time he has hit the nail ... and I don’t mean the thumbnail ... squarely on the head.

I started this week ... actually, began at the end of last week ... formulating my attack ... er, approach ... on this week’s installment of S&G. For one thing I planned to start earlier this time. But here I am, suddenly confronted by FRIDAY again ... and I’m beginning to feel like Robinson Crusoe ... (I’ll let you explain that to each other).

So ... better late than never (to borrow a well-worn quote), right? Maybe not. When I sat down at the computer, it immediately locked up. Obviously it recognizes me. I even thought I heard it groan ... but that might have come from me.


AND NOW ... now that I’m out of the mood, the computer is saying, "Yeah, yeah ... let’s go, big fella, pop a wheelie and get moving."


SO IT’S BACK to good intentions. Here’s one of the items I had hoped to post long before now ... still good, though, from an excellent source:

SUNDAY SIZZLINGS ... This from LOREE (Kansas): "Hard to believe that Christmas is a scant five months away ... Santa usually just drops an IOU on the front porch now, but at least he puts a big red bow on it ... and a Rudolph sticker ... which sort of takes the edge off ...

(Note from Bob: Could it be that I’m so late with this item that it seems early?)


REMEMBER WHEN ... it took five minutes for the TV to warm up? - courtesy of WALT (Ohio)


YOU KNOW you’re a Floridian if you are on a first-name basis with the hurricane list. They aren’t Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Charley or Hurricane Frances. You know them as Andrew, Charley, Frances, Ivan, Jeanne, etc. - courtesy of HELEN (Florida)


LOREE (Kansas) concludes a recent e-mail thus: Needless to say, I’ve spent the rest of the week wavering between grief and the urge to kill!

But let’s back up just a tiny bit ... while she explains that ... " someone or something helped themselves to 20 of my laying hens overnight, in one mighty heist. Since the search of my entire three acres found neither clues nor body parts, I can only assume that they went to a new home!"

As if that weren’t enough ... "This was followed four days later with my big mail box and my Winfield Daily Courier paper box both being wiped out. The mailbox was mounted on a genuine big red hand pump like so many of us used to pump water when we were kids."

The pump was set in concrete ... and is in the photo which accompanies Loree’s poem on her web site:

Loree sums it up: "It was like losing a member of the family when I discovered the damage. No sign of gravel being thrown about from a car out of control, suggesting an accident. In fact, just the opposite appearance ... that of a deliberate drive-by mailbox murder!"

(Note from Bob: I’m biting my tongue to keep from saying what I really think should happen to the perps of these two crimes ... Let me just say we’ve got a long way to go before we can honestly preach to the rest of the world about how civilized and law-abiding we are.)


TODAY’S POEM ... One of these days ... months, actually, if things go well ... I’m going to be 80. That’s right ... THE BIG EIGHT-OH. That’s a milestone I never expected to approach ... and that’s another story, too ... but I hardly expected it to come up so suddenly as I sat enjoying the conversation surrounding that big event honoring one of my all-time favorite people. Even when I wrote the poem, 80 seemed like such a remote possibility ... and now, here it is ... rumbling steadily toward me like a freight train in the middle of the night. For now, the poem, which was originally published in Capper’s:

We ate Cajun food,
savored the singing,
all the memories
of this tiny lady
celebrating and
being celebrated
for her active life
as mother, fellow
worker, confidante,
for bringing us
sunshine on cloudy
days. And we all
leaned forward
to catch every
word as she stood,
she said, to share
her secret: "Just
keep breathing."


COMMENT? Feel free ... below, if you like.

Or if you prefer e-mail, that's fine, too ... especially for more detailed observations, to

... and it helps if you put "Squiggles" or "S&G" ... something like that ... in the subject line (just remember, no religion or politics ... please!)


UNTIL NEXT TIME ... take care ... see ya!

© 2009

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